MOBILE: Acupuncture:
1 Individualized Treatment (1 Hour)


MAY ALSO INCLUDE (depending on treatment plan):

  • Herbal Consult
  • Aromatherapy
  • Topical or heat/cold therapy
  • Cupping
  • GuaSha skin scraping
  • TuiNa/Orthopedic Massage
  • Moxibustion

How do I prepare for Acupuncture?:

Wear loose clothing. Eat a light meal 2 hours before. Come with your questions! Bring your previous bloodwork!

Will I have to take off my clothes?:

Sometimes (but usually not your underclothes). We often request that you lie on your stomach to access the upper/middle/lower spine for back issues, removing a shirt/bra (or unhooking), allows for better maneuvering of the needles. Or, if the lower back and hips are areas of concern, we may request that you lower/loosen your pants and undergarments to access the buttock area. Some of the most powerful muscle groups are located in the glutes!

MOBILE: Orthopedic Massage


The body should not hold onto pain. Pain signifies that the body is out of balance or alignment. This is not a full-body massage. It is a focused massage coupled with stretching and measurable range of motion checkpoints. It is meant to release the pain by addressing major muscle groups, the tendonous attachment areas, and the fascia. (Sometimes we add in Motor Point Acupuncture)

🎥 TELEHEALTH: Counseling
(Mind + Body + Spirit)


Mind + Body + Spirit work synergisticly. When one element is out of balance, we must rebalance Yin and Yang.

(Online TELEHEALTH Video Appointment)


Holistic Nutrition Consult


1:1 🛒 Grocery Shopping + 🍎 Supplements + 👩‍🌾 Customized Nutrition Plans

Let's start from scratch. We will poke through your pantry and cupboards. We will go 1:1 grocery shopping. Then, we'll customize your intake.

Do you listen to your body when it tells you it is hungry? What does it need? 🧐

Hot, cold, sweet, salty, chewy, crunch, a snack, a meal, or prefer a particular color of food?

A Holistic Nutrition Consult deep dives into the body's nutritional, hormonal, and emotional needs while looking at Micro and Macro deficiencies and excesses. We will conduct blood, urine, stool, and hair tests (as needed), and then we will recalibrate you back into Yin and Yang balance.

(Online TELEHEALTH Video Appointment, unless 1:1 appointment)

Drug + Herb + Supplement Review


This is a thorough review of your current Prescriptions, Herbs, and Supplements.

DRUG: Are your prescription drugs contraindicated to each other, are you having side effects from a prescription, do you desire to titer down or up your dosage?

SUPPLEMENTS: Are you over or under-supplementing your vitamins? [May require blood/urine review]

HERB: Do you desire a more herbal and holistic approach to your health with medical-grade Herbal Prescriptions?


Contact FMC to book your appointment date and time. After contacting FMC, a Medical Intake Form will be emailed to you. Complete and submit the form. The Doctor and Pharmacist will review your Intake history. Then, the Doctor will schedule a 1-Hour telehealth review.

(Online TELEHEALTH Video Appointment)



Home Health Care +
Patient Advocacy


An advocate and guide for the patient between Eastern & Western medicine. 

Pick-up/Drop-off Medical Appointments. [25-mile radius from 46032/46033]

Pick-up/Drop-off Medications.

At-home healthcare set-up/check-in.

Doctor Referrals.


MOBILE: Facial MICRO Needling
$350 SPECIAL (Ends Oct 31)
(Originally $550 )

1 Hour Treatment


A powerful and very natural way to improve your skin! Most see results 2-3 weeks after 1st treatment. Friends and family will see results after 3-4 treatments. 

Go back to your daily routine 24 hours after procedure. Results last 3-5 years.

TREATS: Wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, hyperpigmentation, acne, and body scars. 

INCLUDES: Acupuncture + facial cleansing + MicroCurrent skin tightening + APSTEM-VEGAN APPLE STEM CELL BUILDER SERUM.

MICRO Needling increases product absorption by 3000%!

(Do not use: Vitamin C, Retinoids, AHA, or BHA for 3-4 weeks before or after appointment as it may cause hyperpigmentation!)

Aftercare: No exercising (sweating), no facial products, no pearl creams, no retin-A, no soaps, no oils, and avoid sunshine 24 hrs after treatment. 

(MICRO Needling can be done every 3 weeks.)

At over 18,000+ RPMs, our Micro Needling device is the most powerful on the market. No need for topical numbing creams, which can cause skin irritation and outbreaks.

MOBILE: Facial NANO Needling
$350 SPECIAL (Ends Oct 31)
(Originally $550)

1 Hour Treatment

TREATS: Best for mature skin since keratinocytes move to the surface as we age, fine lines, wrinkles, swelling, or sagging. NANO Needling increases product absorption by 97%.


(NANO can be done weekly

(Do Not Use: Vitamin C, Retinoids, AHA, or BHA for 3-4 weeks before or after as it may cause hyperpigmentation!)

MOBILE: Décolleté (Neck + Chest)
$250 SPECIAL (Ends Oct 31)
(Originally $500)

1 Hour Treatment

(Select: MICRO or NANO Needling): For (neck + chest)


(NANO can be done weekly) (MICRO Needling can be done every 3 weeks

(Do Not Use: Vitamin-C, Retinoids, AHA, or BHA for 3-4 weeks before or after as it may cause hyperpigmentation!)

Package of 3
$950 SPECIAL (Ends Oct 31)
(Originally $1050)

3 (1 Hour Treatments)

May be used for FACIAL or HAIR Micro Needling.

[Non-refundable, only transferable. 3 maximum package purchases.]

MOBILE: HAIR Rejuvenation MICRO Needling
$350 SPECIAL (Ends Oct 31)
(Originally $550)

1 Hour Treatment

INCLUDES: Acupuncture + 1 Topical APSTEM-VEGAN APPLE STEM CELL BUILDER SERUM + Custom Medical Herbal Hair Health Spray (take home).

(Treatment can be repeated every 2 weeks)


$75 each (can be added to MICRO/NANO needling)

HYALURONIC ACID: This pure vegan ingredient is blended in all of our serums. It is known to reduce wrinkles, hydrate the skin, heal, promote smoother texture, strengthen skin firmness, enhance skin elasticity, plump, and regenerate, and it is beneficial for all skin types.

1.  APSTEMVEGAN APPLE STEM CELL BUILDER (Ping Guo-Uttwiller Spatlauber trees of Switzerland): INCLUDED. Promotes the reproduction of facial cells under the epidermis, thwarting wrinkles, sagging skin, and dull complexion. This serum includes lecithin and linoleic acids, rich fatty acids, and rosehip oil high in antioxidants, Vitamins A and E, in a blend with hyaluronic acid that allows the skin to hold onto high amounts of moisture for a plump healthy glow.

2.  COLLAGEN XG+ COLLAGEN BUILDER (Xiang Gu-Lentinus Edodes Extract/Shiitake Mushroom extract): Boosts natural collagen and is best for those with dry or aging skin, thwarting collagen deterioration, and improving organization, quality, and structure of collagen for a firmer and smoother complexion. Collagen decreases as we age, so bounce back with this strong anti-oxidant that lessens damage and aids in collagen synthesis. 

3. LUMOS BRIGHTEN® (Zao Lei-formulated algae from the coast of Spain): Clears melanin pigmentation and gets rid of age spots and melasma, improving luminosity and decreasing the visibility of hyperpigmentation. 

4. OCULUS INFRAORBITAL® (Hai Zao-Seaweed from the coast of Spain): This formula helps clear bilirubin and fluid buildup around the eyes, and reduces eye bags, dark circles, and puffiness. It also promotes collagen, improves elasticity, and improves the appearance of signs of aging around the eye and contour area. 

5. ELASTIN FL+™ (Fu Ling-Poria Cocos): A natural collagen and elastin builder that is best for damp acne acne-prone greasy skin and older thinning skin. Its multi-purpose compound builds skin thickness, microcirculation, and radiance, and lessens the appearance of wrinkles that are characteristic of aging. It is best for menopause and or mature skin. It is a celebrated fungus in traditional medicine of Asia where it is used as an antioxidant and purifying and softening agent because of its richness in triterpenes and polysaccharides. 

6. SENESCENCE 75+ MATURE OLDER SKIN (Chen Pi Ganxibao-Orange Stem Cells): This powerful little formula helps cells regain their ability to grow and divide. It is best for mature or thin skin to recover skin elastic properties. 

7. REJUV XUE CAO® REPAIR & AFTERCARE (Asiatic Pennywort): This formula supports faster healing of scratches, small wounds, and superficial burns as an anti-inflammatory for insect bites, minor itching, and eczema. It is traditionally used in the management of dermatological conditions.